An Organized Approach to Attaining Career Goals: The WHAT-HOW-WHEN Method

An Organized Approach to Attaining Career Goals: The WHAT-HOW-WHEN Method

9th January, 2024


As a management consultant, I've witnessed the transformative impact of setting well-defined and actionable goals for one's career. This blog introduces you to the WHAT-HOW-WHEN method, a structured approach designed to guide you in achieving your professional aspirations.

Section 1: Defining the WHAT: Identifying Your Career Objectives

The initial step in this approach involves pinpointing and outlining your career goals—the WHAT. Take a moment to contemplate your long-term aspirations and break them down into measurable objectives. This may include specifying the role you aim for, the skills you wish to acquire, or the impact you strive to make in your industry.


For instance, if your goal is to become a respected project manager within the next five years, you can refine this objective by detailing the industry, project types, and the level of responsibility you aspire to attain.

Section 2: Planning the HOW: Developing Actionable Strategies

Once your career objectives are identified, it's time to formulate strategies—the HOW—that will propel you toward success. Break down your overarching goal into smaller, manageable steps. Consider the skills that require development, the connections to be made, and the experiences to be gained.


For a goal of becoming a project manager, your HOW could encompass obtaining a relevant certification, gaining diverse project roles experience, and building a professional network within the project management community.

Section 3: Implementing the WHEN: Establishing Timelines

Introducing timelines—the WHEN—injects urgency and accountability into your goals. Define realistic deadlines for each step in your plan. This not only keeps you on track but also provides a clear roadmap for tracking your progress.


Establish a timeline for acquiring your project management certification within the next six months, gaining hands-on experience in various project roles over the next two years, and expanding your professional network by attending industry events quarterly.


The WHAT-HOW-WHEN approach presents a systematic and effective methodology for achieving career goals. By defining objectives (what), devising actionable strategies (how), and establishing realistic timelines (when), you can navigate the path toward career success with purpose and precision.

Call to Action:

I encourage you to apply the WHAT-HOW-WHEN approach to your own career goals. Share your insights and progress in the comments. Let's inspire each other to reach new heights in our professional journeys using the WHAT-HOW-WHEN method.

About the Author
Bassam M. Nammour, DBA

Management Consultant

Dr. Bassam Nammour is a Management Consultant at Meirc Training & Consulting. He holds a Doctorate of Business Administration from ESC Clermont Graduate School of Management in France, an Executive Masters of Business Administration from the Lebanese American University in Lebanon, a Postgraduate Diploma from the University of London in England, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Notre Dame University in Lebanon. His latest publication was "Talent Management: Theory to Practice," a book, found on Amazon, with practical insights on managing talent in organizations. Bassam is an active member of major global Human Resources societies and has several certifications from Harvard Business School and the ROI Institute in the USA, Oxford University in England, and the Institute of HR in Canada.

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