Training in Dubai

Executive Coaching:

Build your own path to success

Have you ever said to yourself "I want to get over there, but I'm not sure how to do it?" You might have thought you needed guidance or candid feedback from someone who could provide either, privately and objectively. If that’s the case, then a professional coach might be the answer for you!

Coaching is a process aimed at supporting you translate learning to action by pairing you (or a small group of employees) with an experienced professional who can help you achieve your desired objectives in any of the following:

  • Progressing your career
  • Leading others
  • Planning strategically
  • Managing skillfully
  • Working in teams
  • Getting organized
  • Communicating with influence
  • Speaking in public
  • Being tactful and dealing with others
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Why Coaching?

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Coaching is an effective methodology to help you discover avenues for achieving your goals or for overcoming challenges on professional and/or personal levels.

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Coaching is about expanding your potential, creating alternatives, and discovering new strengths. In a coaching conversation, we invite all parts of ourselves to join in.

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Coaching is the science behind developing the art of possibility.

The Takeaways

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Building your own path to success

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Acquiring practical ways and tools to apply learned concepts
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Creating your personal and actionable development plan to achieve goals and overcome challenges
Training in Dubai

Meet the Coach

Ibrahim Al Yafi
Training in Dubai A US-graduate with rich experience in organizational behavior acquired through a professional career spanning the Middle East, Europe and North America
Training in Dubai A coach who walks the talk; an avid reader with a holistic approach to developing others
Training in Dubai A subject matter expert with extensive experience in training and people development covering a wide range of competencies
Training in Dubai A certified member of the International Coach Federation
Professional Certified Coach (PCC)
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Training in Dubai

Meet the Coach

Hanna M. El-Jor, PhD
Training in Dubai A US-graduate with substantial experience in communication, leadership and public relation gained through a long career throughout the Middle East, Europe and North America
Training in Dubai A coach who “has been there and done that”; a deep analytical thinker who aims to support and assist people to reach their goals
Training in Dubai A subject matter expert with comprehensive experience in communication, public speaking and public relations
Training in Dubai A certified member of the International Coach Federation
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
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