Internal Audit Essentials: Avoiding the Corporate Zugzwang

Internal Audit Essentials: Avoiding the Corporate Zugzwang

24th March, 2024

In the high-stakes world of chess, a zugzwang situation implies that any action taken from this moment forward would undoubtedly be detrimental to the status quo, leading to the inevitable doom of the opposing player. Coined in the 19th century under a game format, this concept is a testament to the importance of strategic oversight and positional understanding in a game of wits. And what could be more akin to such a sport of the mind than the corporate universe, where every move can be a game changer? Imagine each aspect of the institution’s strategic operations as a piece on a chessboard, where every decision must be taken with fundamental precision to prevent being confined in a zugzwang. And this is where Internal Audit emerges as the eternal unsung hero.

Also known as the silent strategist (depending on who you ask), Internal Audit helps navigate the complexities of organizational landscapes, from strategy setting to operations to risk management to compliance to administration to quality assurance to business continuity and everything in between. It often plays a focal role in ensuring the Governance framework is adequately set, well-calibrated, and seamlessly operational.

The role of Internal Audit is multifaceted but can be segmented into two main aspects:


At its core, Internal Audit is responsible for providing independent and objective assurance to the institution’s stakeholders, from shareholders to Board members to management and employees, as well as to all remaining external stakeholders, on matters related to the effectiveness of internal controls.

This involves examining applicable processes, policies, and procedures to ensure they exist and are designed and implemented effectively to mitigate all identified risks.


Another significant facet of Internal Audit is the delivery of advisory services. Based on the mission findings, internal auditors provide beneficial insights and proposals to management. This includes recommending process enhancements, suggesting best practices, and presenting strategic direction to tackle evolving risks and challenges.

One must know that the framework is not just about ticking boxes and checking off compliance requirements; it's about understanding the nuances of business processes, identifying possible traps, and planning strategically to guide success and resilience.

Mastering internal audit demands agility, like how a professional chess player predicts their opponent’s next moves. Internal auditors should proactively navigate emerging risks and evolving regulatory requirements, compelling an attitude of continuous learning. This also entails harnessing technology, data analytics, and industry trends to remain adaptable and flourish in a dynamic and fast-paced setting.

Collaboration is vital, as the internal audit is not a solitary exercise but a group endeavor with all other stakeholders throughout the institution. Establishing strong relations, promoting transparent interactions, and building trust are vital to navigating the peculiarities of corporate governance and preventing zugzwang scenarios.

Additionally, Internal Audit transcends fault-finding and promotes evolution and innovation. Internal auditors play a pivotal part in finding areas for improvement, restructuring processes, and incorporating best practices, all of which significantly contribute to the development and survivability of institutions.

As the peculiarities of the Internal Audit framework unfold, it serves us best to think of it as a strategic chess game in the board of corporate governance. Every mission becomes a move that should be prepared and implemented thoughtfully to outmaneuver the threats that lie ahead. And precisely like chess, where forward-looking insights, accuracy, and positional understanding are the name of the game, the internal auditors navigate the intricacies of the strategic maze and the minutiae of the relative internal control framework. In this ever-evolving narrative of technological development, operational practices, and changing stakeholder balance of power, the question remains: Would the internal control framework ever evolve nimbly enough to overcome the corporate zugzwang?

For more information about our upcoming workshop related to internal audit, please press on the link below.

Internal Audit: From Planning to Execution
About the Author
Tarek Z. Aoun, CFA

Management Consultant

Tarek is a Management Consultant with Meirc Training & Consulting. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the American University of Beirut (AUB) and is a CFA® Charterholder. In addition, Tarek has obtained several certifications in banking and finance, such as Islamic Finance qualification, Business Conduct, Risk in Financial Services, and Securities from the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI).

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