Auditing the HR Function

Every process in human resources is likely to yield an outcome which will have a legal or a financial impact on the organization or its people. That is why the inputs used in these processes, and their accuracy, are critically important. Without reliable inputs, the processes will deliver inaccurate outputs which will negatively affect the people, the organization, or both. One way to ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data and the inputs is by auditing the HR processes in place.

At Meirc Training & Consulting, we have developed our own approach to conducting HR audits. The key success factor for the methodology we employ is a combination of the competence of our subject matter experts in posing the right questions, their ability to analyze the relevant HR documents and processes, and their pragmatism when offering remedial recommendations. The following steps describe the structure of our approach:

Quick Enquiry
The Process - Explained
Meet with project sponsors to establish a clear understanding of the purpose from the HR audit and any challenges that are likely to exist therein

In Step 1, Meirc auditors will meet with the organization’s senior management and the project sponsors to confirm their understanding of the project objectives and to acquire the documents required in the audit such as the organization’s strategy, structure and the set of HR policies and procedures currently in place. In said meetings, the auditors will also try to uncover any challenges or resistance which they may face in order to overcome them if required.

Analyze strategies and structures for organization and HR with emphasis on existing HR processes, job descriptions and relevant policies and procedures

In Step 2, the auditors will analyze the documents obtained in step 1 and summarize their findings in what will later constitute the first part of the audit report.

Conduct interviews with HR process owners and customers to validate the existing practices and their actual deliverables

In step 3, the auditors will conduct face to face interviews with process owners in HR, their customers and all those who directly influence such processes, either at the input or the output level. The purpose from these interviews will be to establish the maps for each critical process, with special emphasis on decision and delivery points.

Analyze the outcomes of the analysis and the interviews and determine process gaps and non-conformities

In Step 4, the auditors will analyze the outcomes of the findings in Steps 2 and 3 and draft the second part of the report which will highlight existing gaps and non-conformities, by HR section.

Prepare draft audit report (with recommendations) and share with stakeholders

In Step 5, Meirc will finalize the audit report and its set of associated recommendations and present it to the project sponsor for feedback.

Review and finalize audit report and present to project sponsor

In Step 6, Meirc will adjust the report based on the feedback received (if required) and present it in its final form to all stakeholders.

The Deliverable

The audit report will include three parts: the HR section audited, the findings of the audit with emphasis on process gaps and non-conformities, and the relevant remedial recommendations. Tangibly, the report will be based on the following template:

In preparation for our call

We strongly recommend that you have as many of the following inputs ready as possible:

  • The current organizational and HR strategy documents OR access to the HR senior management team.
  • Access to HR documentation required for completing the HR audit
  • Access to HR process owners and stakeholders

The availability of the above will expedite the process of creating a custom fit proposal for your consulting need.

Quick Enquiry