Employee Assessment and Personal Development Plans

Like a medical examination, assessment of employees needs to be done effectively by qualified experts to ensure that the prognosis, which in this case is the Personal Development Plan, serves the development needs of the employee and ultimately, the organization’s success.

At Meirc Training & Consulting, we have been doing employee assessments for more than 50 years and based on the feedback which we have gathered from our clients, who continue to trust us with such assessments, we know that our fat-free, straight forward methodology is effective and value-adding.

Quick Enquiry

The employee assessment process used by Meirc Training & Consulting includes 7 steps, which vary in duration and complexity based on the organization, audience and levels being assessed.

The Process - Explained
Identification of target audience

In Step 1, Meirc will focus on identifying the target audience and the main reasons for the assessment, which can vary from talent evaluation to succession planning to a straightforward assessment of training needs for developmental purposes.

Analysis of job descriptions or interviews with stakeholders
Identification of role-specific competencies (job profiles)

In Steps 2 and 3, Meirc will analyze the tasks and responsibilities for each job role being assessed and then extract the role-specific competencies.

Design of assessment tools and activities

In Step 4, Meirc will produce a job profile for each of the assessed roles and then proceed to design a basket of tools and activities aimed at assessing the role incumbent in each of the identified competencies. The assessment comprises a mix of case studies, psychometrics, and individual and group activities when and where required.

Implementation of assessment center

In Step 5, Meirc implements the assessment center using one or more of its assessment experts. Such ‘centers’ usually take place at Meirc’s premises, the company’s or a suitable venue agreed upon mutually and in advance by all parties. The duration of the center largely depends on the number of candidates and competencies being assessed.

Feedback to assessed candidates

In Step 6, Meirc meets with every assessed candidate (individually) to provide feedvback on the results of the assessment. These meetings are optional and will only take place if both candidate and organization formally agree to them.

Production of Personal Development Plan (PDP)

In Step 7, Meirc produces a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for each assessed candidate showing the competency gaps – if any, based on the assessment center. In this PDP, Meirc will list its recommendations for bridging the gaps and the timeframes in which such recommendations should be completed.

The Deliverable

Each Personal Development Plan produced at the end of the assessment will include the following details:

In preparation for our call

We strongly recommend that you have as many of the following inputs ready as possible:

  • Up-to-date job descriptions for each of the roles you require assessed OR access to role incumbents and/or their direct line manager(s)
  • An organization chart showing the reporting relationships for each of the roles to be assessed
  • The competency framework for your organization, with its relevant levels and behavioral indicators (helpful, but not a core requirement)

The availability of the above will expedite the process of creating a custom fit proposal for your consulting need.

Quick Enquiry