Strategic Sourcing

Strategic sourcing provides a structured approach for generating savings through sound procurement and supplier relationship practices. Meirc Consulting Solutions adopts a surgical 7-step methodology to strategic sourcing with a primary emphasis on planning. Our approach leverages a solid foundation in category definition, go-to-market strategies, strategic supplier identification, and process development.

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Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) at Meirc Consulting Solutions have a proven track record in generating savings using a set of sourcing strategies. These range from volume concentration and best-price evaluation to supplier relationship restructuring and product specification improvement. Our 60+ years of corporate training experience ensures a further emphasis on knowledge transfer so that your team can acquire the competencies required to execute our recommendations.

The following is a summary of our consulting approach to strategic sourcing:

Meirc's consulting scope is limited to steps 1-4

The Process - Explained

Meirc Consulting Solutions can assist clients in developing strategic plans and designing associated processes while considering internal and external stakeholders. We can also oversee the execution and improvement phases if needed. In general, the process that we follow for the planning phases includes the following:

The Deliverable

Strategic sourcing is a very unique consulting service. The format and content of the final deliverables of such service will be customized for every project based on the client’s industry and nature of business. Therefore, the tables below represent a specific sample for a very specific project outcome.

In preparation for our call

To maximize the results from working with Meirc Consulting Solutions, we strongly recommend that you ensure:

  • The willingness and availability of the organization’s leader and the senior leadership team to spend 2 days on the various sessions required to complete the project.
  • The willingness to appoint a liaison whom Meirc Consulting Solutions can work with for an additional 3 days to complete the various sections of the strategy

Once the above has been agreed to, please contact us and we will be more than glad to start working with you on developing or reviewing your procurement strategy.

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