Talent Identification and Succession Planning

Just like a team is as strong as its bench players, an organization is as resilient as its second line. Without having a pipeline of competent talented employees, a company could be exposing itself to various risks associated with lack of leadership and governance. Blackberry (Canada), Nissan (Japan) and Axis Bank (India) are but a few examples.

At Meirc Training & Consulting, we have been helping organizations in managing their succession plans to ensure sustainability and growth. By following a thorough talent identification process and then using the talent pool as a pipeline for filling key positions, we have helped organizations manage succession plans seamlessly.

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The approach we use in implementing our succession planning solution is based on the 5 steps in the diagram shown below:

The Process - Explained
Identify key positions in the organization

In Step 1, Meirc will work with the program sponsors (senior management and HR) to identify the critical roles which require a strong bench. The approach Meirc uses in this step will be based on a multi-dimensional review of roles to determine their criticality.

Assess employees based on performance and competence

In Step 2, Meirc will assess staff using its Meirc Talent Tool software. The deliverable from this step will be a matrixed graph which identifies the organization’s pool of talent and high potential based on the two criteria of performance and competence.

Identify employees who can fill the needed position

In Step 3, Meirc will perform the gap analysis between the current personal profile of each employee in the identified pool from step 2 and the job profile of the critical roles identified in step 1.

Produce Personal Development Plans (PDPs) for employees identified in Step 3 (with training and development recommendations)

In Step 4, Meirc will utilize the outputs from step 3 to produce a Personal Development Plan (PDP) for each employee in the identified pool. Said PDP will map the profile of the critical role against that of the targeted employee in order to produce a % of match (or compatibility). In addition, each PDP will include suggested training and development interventions for each gap.

Map identified key positions with potential successors

In Step 5, Meirc will use the algorithm in its Talent Tool to produce a prioritized list of key positions according to their criticality and the readiness of potential successors.

The Deliverable

The deliverables from this project will be presented in reports containing graphs and dashboards depicting the outputs of the 5 steps mentioned in the process.

Below are examples of these reports:

In preparation for our call

We strongly recommend that you have as many of the following inputs ready as possible:

  • The current organization charts
  • The current job descriptions for targeted positions and key people
  • The current competency job profiles for the above positions (which will be used in mapping behavioral, technical and leadership competencies of potential successors against the key positions).

The availability of the above will expedite the process of creating a custom fit proposal for your consulting need.

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