Decision Making in Difficult Times - Online Snippet

Meirc’s online snippet is a short 1.5 hour webinar delivered by one of our subject matter experts.


Leaders and managers are regularly confronted with business issues, what alternatives do they have when it comes to resolving them, and what are the best decisions to make to ensure viable and effective fixes. However, in difficult times, making decisions takes on a different meaning, as the risks are higher, the strategic implications are more serious, and the factors involved are more complex and intertwined. Hence, how you approach and manage the decision-making process, can have amplified impact on operations and profitability. We have designed this snipped to highlight the different tools and techniques available at your disposal during difficult times to ensure you handle business issues and associated decision-making in a more efficient, rational, and strategic approach. As a manager or a leader, you will find the content highlighted in this online snippet pertinent to what we are all going through when to comes to the tough choices we face when it comes to ensuring the survival of the organization, making tough strategic calls, cutting expenses, or finding new ways to generate revenue in light of these demanding and peculiar times.
Please note that facilitators may employ electronic media in relation to snippet material (slides, workbooks), individual and team exercises/activities, session plans, and case studies.

Major Take-aways
  • Decision making in difficult times
  • Creative thinking and problem solving
  • Defining expectations and accountabilities
  • Strategic thinking and analysis
  • Problem identification and definition
  • Team participation and buy-in


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