The course uses a mix of interactive techniques, such as brief presentations by the consultant and participants, role plays (rehearsed and impromptu), playback of videotaped performances and individual and group feedback.
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
Business professionals who want to expand their conflict resolution skills, understand their own emotions and behaviors, and find productive ways to manage conflict with influence, even when authority is lacking.
Founded in 1919, Clermont School of Business is one of the leading French "Grande École" business schools, with a strong international dimension. The school is triple-accredited by AACSB, EFMD Bachelor, and AMBA, and is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Écoles” consortium, the Business School Directors' Consortium (CDEFM), and the Associate Institutions Network of Université Clermont Auvergne.
The school's mission is to reveal the talents and passions of a new generation of change-makers, who will put people and the planet at the heart of their decision-making. With a combination of a human approach, international perspective, close collaboration with local economic actors, and expertise in sustainable management, the aim is to help create a better world.
The school greatly benefits from the support of the Alumni Association, which has more than 14 000 members worldwide.
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