The Leadership Challenge Continues® - Virtual Learning

The Leadership Challenge Continues® - Virtual Learning

Why Attend

The Leadership Challenge Continues® Workshop is an innovative and flexible program that encourages leaders to remain focused on what they learned during their exposure to The Five Practices Model. Participants will be asked to reflect upon the small wins they experienced since their leadership journey began, practice specific skills and behaviors that will prepare them for the next steps in their journey, and move beyond self-development by identifying ways for using the Five Practices to develop their team members and achieve broader spheres of influence within their organizations. Emotional Intelligence (EI), team building, and creativity will be discussed as being critical elements for living the Five Practices. Are you up to the challenge?

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Course Methodology

The Leadership Challenge Continues® Workshop will engage you and your leaders through experiential activities, workbook exercises, group problem-solving tasks, video cases, and lectures. Also, you’ll get plenty of hands-on practice applying The Five Practices leadership model to current organizational and personal leadership challenges. With a plan of action in-hand for taking the key learnings from the workshop back to the workplace, leaders will be prepared to implement these new leadership practices back on the job, beginning day 1.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify leadership strengths and weaknesses based on the LPI assessment (individual and 360 degrees)
  • Implement The Five Practices® model to express their image of the future, inspire others to share that common vision, challenge the status quo by experimenting with innovative ideas and enable others to act by building collaboration, teamwork, and trust
  • Recognize the different creativity personas, and how to deal with each persona to maximize individual output
  • Apply the seven critical EI behaviors needed for building high performance teams and increase productivity
  • Develop a powerful team to achieve common goals while demonstrating exceptional commitment for leading self and others
Target Audience

The Leadership Challenge Continues® Workshop is for experienced professionals who are currently or who will be asked to manage teams, to know the actions to take, and to have the confidence to take the actions needed for successful individual and team performance. These managers are responsible for leading other managers and/or professional staff. They are operational, group or department managers who have several management-level direct reports and work with multiple peers, often across functions.

Target Competencies
  • Set the example for others
  • Search for opportunities to change and improve
  • Experiment with innovative ideas
  • Build collaboration, teamwork, and trust
  • Leading and inspiring others
  • Team emotional and social intelligence
  • Overcoming team dysfunctions


Course Outline
  • The Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI)
    • The LPI Report: an overview
    • The LPI analysis
    • The LPI Personal Plan Workbook
    • An introduction to Posner and Kouzes
  • An Overview of the Five Leadership Practices®
    • Practice 1 - Modelling the Way
      • Finding your voice by clarifying your personal values
      • Setting the example by aligning actions with shared values
    • Practice 2 - Inspiring a Shared Vision
      • Envisioning the future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities
      • Enlisting others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations
    • Practice 3 - Challenging the Process
      • Searching for opportunities by seeking innovative ways to change, grow and improve
      • Experimenting and taking risks by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes
    • Practice 4 - Enabling Others to Act
      • Fostering collaboration by promoting cooperative goals and building trust
      • Strengthening others by sharing power and discretion
    • Practice 5 - Encouraging the Heart
      • Recognizing contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence
      • Celebrating the values and victories by creating a spirit of community
  • The Leader’s Creativity Toolbox   
    • The different aspects of creative thinking  
    • Definition of creativity
    • The creativity myths
    • Exploring and working with the different creativity personas
    • The creativity diagnostic instrument (self-assessment)
  • Team Emotional and Social Intelligence (TESI®) 
    • Emotional Intelligence Defined
    • The Emotional Intelligence Framework 
    • The Seven Critical EI Behaviors needed for building high-performance teams:
      • Team Identity
      • Motivation
      • Emotional Awareness
      • Communication
      • Conflict Resolution                                       
      • Stress Tolerance
      • Positive Mood                                
  • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team® (P. Lencioni) 
    • Identifying the Five Dysfunctions of a Team®:
      • Dysfunction #1: absence of trust
      • Dysfunction #2: fear of conflict
      • Dysfunction #3: lack of conflict  
      • Dysfunction #4: avoidance of accountability  
      • Dysfunction #5: inattention to results
    • Overcoming the Five Dysfunctions  
John Wiley & Sons (Wiley)

Meirc is recognized as a Wiley Endorsed Training Partner. This means that Meirc is authorized to provide The Leadership Challenge® and The Challenge Continues, which are two of the most internationally recognized training courses on leadership. By attending these courses, participants will benefit from the exceptional resources made available by Meirc and Wiley and upon successfully completing each course, they will be awarded the internationally recognized certificate of The Leadership Challenge® in addition to the certificate they receive from Meirc Training & Consulting.

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