SBS Endorsed - The Power of Leaders - Virtual Learning

SBS Endorsed - The Power of Leaders - Virtual Learning

Why Attend

The course addresses the perennial differences between management and leadership. It also provides participants with an overview of emotional intelligence and examines some major leadership theories and approaches, emphasizing situational leadership. The course also addresses the role of the leader as a facilitator and change agent.

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Course Methodology

The course features group activities, psychometrics, and team exercises. Also used are case studies and group debriefs.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Differentiate between the roles and responsibilities of managers and leaders
  • Evaluate personality styles to identify own and subordinates' strengths and areas of improvement 
  • Examine various leadership theories with an emphasis on situational leadership
  • List, evaluate, and describe primary competencies of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and their significance in effective leadership
  • Define the role of a leader as a delegator and effectively conduct delegation meetings
  • Identify obstacles to change and devise a strategy for introducing change initiatives within your organization
Target Audience

Individuals in middle and senior corporate positions who wish to understand themselves better to improve their leadership skills. Also, this course will benefit all other employees whose responsibilities require delegation, leading, and managing change.

Target Competencies
  • Leading and managing people
  • Self-awareness
  • Influencing others
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Delegating
  • Managing change
Course Outline
  • Leaders, not Managers
    • Definitions, similarities, and differences
    • Myths about leadership
    • The perennial question: Nature or nurture
    • Characteristics of admired leaders
    • Practices of exemplary leaders
      • Inspiring a shared vision
      • Modeling the way
      • Enabling others to act
      • Encouraging the heart
      • Challenging the process
    • The ten truths about leadership
  • Personal Styles and Leadership Qualities
    • Overview of personality types
    • Self-assessment, administration, and scoring
    • Understanding pairs of opposites
    • Activities to understand oneself and others
    • Impact of style on leadership
  • The Leadership Journey and Situational Leadership
    • Review of significant theories
      • Trait theories
      • Behavioral theories
    • The leadership grid
    • Situational leadership: Theory and simulation
      • Situation’s maturity level
      • Levels of development
    • Maturity levels and leadership styles
  • The Emotionally Intelligent Leader
    • An overview of EI
    • Emotional Quotient (EQ) versus Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
    • Components of emotional intelligence
    • The EI competency framework
    • The 18 EI competencies in practice
      • Definitions and examples
      • Brainstorming real-life examples
  • Leadership, Delegation, and Empowerment
    • Delegation: definition, objectives, and rules
    • Delegation levels
    • Why delegation is not popular
    • Guidelines for delegation
    • Empowerment: Definition
    • Ten ways to empower employees
    • Is your organization ready for empowerment?
  • The Leader as a Change Catalyst
    • The importance of change
    • The nature of change
    • Leading cultural change
    • Organizational change: The formula
    • Kotter’s eight-step change process model
SBS Swiss Business School

SBS is a management institution dedicated to preparing students for careers in the global economy. SBS offers programs which specialize in International Management, Finance, Marketing, and other fields.

SBS teaches state-of-the-art theory, immerses students in international experiences, and connects them to best practice in business.

SBS Swiss Business School has received institutional accreditation in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEdA), is accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Council as a University of Applied Sciences Institute (AAQ), by the British Accreditation Council as an Independent Higher Education Institution (BAC), by the accreditation association for business education (ACBSP), by the Specialized Accrediting Body for Business (IACBE), and is recognized as a national advocate and institutional voice for promoting academic quality (CHEA).

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