Design Thinking: The Next Competitive Advantage - Virtual Learning

Design Thinking: The Next Competitive Advantage - Virtual Learning

Why Attend

The main objective of this design thinking course is to help participants design better solutions when it comes to products and services inside and outside the business environment. Design thinking enable the development of innovative and practical solutions for existing problems and user experiences, while fostering team creativity and collaboration. It is an innovative design process that encourages human interaction and prototype building, conversations, challenging questions, and seeking active feedback for continuous improvement. Throughout the course, participants will develop an understanding of the different phases of design thinking and how to implement them in their own work environment and beyond.

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Course Methodology

The course uses plenty of case studies, videos, and other useful material, all of which help participants drive the concepts behind design thinking. The course is very much hands-on from the get-go, supported by necessary forms and templates associated with each one of the design thinking phases. Participants are expected to be quite active as they are expected to use different material and supplies throughout the 5 days course.  

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Employ different analytical methods to uncover the vital human needs behind desired solutions.
  • Initiate a problem resolution approach that incorporates empathy, ideation, prototyping, and testing in a fun and challenging atmosphere.
  • Apply design thinking to real business problems and produce innovative, user-focused solutions
  • Practice design thinking methods associated with every stage of the problem solution journey
  • Prototype suggested solutions rapidly and proactively, as well as test those prototypes in order to reduce costly mistakes and risks while accelerating organizational learning and response to market challenges
Target Audience

This course is about discovering the power and versatility behind design thinking. Target participants come to acquire innovative ways to ideation, problem-solving approaches, and resolving problems outside or within the working environment. This version of the course relies on distance learning and facilitation. It is delivered by leading experts with top skills in facilitating courses face to face and remotely. Facilitators will also employ electronic media in relation to course material (slides, workbooks), individual and team exercises/activities, session plans, and case studies.

Target Competencies
  • Analytical skills
  • Probing and questioning data
  • Creative thinking
  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Problem solving
  • Strategic thinking
  • Giving feedback
  • Visualization and articulation of ideas
  • Interviewing techniques
  • Active listening 
Course Outline
  • A quick introduction on Design Thinking
    • Design thinking – the essentials
      • System thinking
      • Agile Methodology
      • How to combine and exploit
    • The design thinking process
      • Stages in design thinking
        • Stage 1: Empathizing with your users
        • Stage 2: Defining the problem and interpreting the results
        • Stage 3: Ideating
        • Stage 4: Prototyping
        • Stage 5: Testing
    • Design thinking methods
  • Empathy and the people factor
    • Empathy as a starting point in design thinking
      • The empathic approach 
      • Improving designs by empathizing with target audience
      • Context mapping – how to probe, design and use
      • How to use ethnographic methods to improve design outcomes
    • The interview
      • Guidelines to conduct user interviews
      • The need to question everything
    • The power of stories in building empathy
  • Defining and designing the challenge
    • Defining the problem
      • How to synthesize and make sense of the information
      • The role of affinity diagrams – grouping ideas and facts
    • The empathy map
      • The role of personas
    • Creating the Point of View
      • Defining and framing the design challenge
      • Asking the “How Might We – HMW”
    • Mapping the stakeholders
    • Defining the challenge
  • Ideating    
    • An overview of Ideation techniques
    • Drawing the user experience design
    • Selecting the best idea
    • Overcoming barriers
    • Capturing reflections and feedback
  • Prototyping and testing   
    • Getting started with prototyping
    • Prototyping methods and best practices
    • Let’s try before we build
    • Evaluating the prototype
    • Talking feasibility and viability 
Schedule & Fees
Face-to-Face Courses

This course is also offered in face-to-face courses, click on the course below.