Strategic Quality Management - Virtual Learning

Strategic Quality Management - Virtual Learning

Why Attend

This course presents a blend between strategy and quality to help participants develop the right skills to plan their organization's quality strategic plans. The course will take participants through the history of quality and strategy and link them with practical applications. Participants will learn to analyze current organizational status and identify gaps and future needs. The course will also examine the strategic planning process, from initiation to the selection of initiatives. Moreover, the identification process of quality Key Result Areas (KRAs) will be discussed. Participants will leave with the tools, skills, and knowledge to start their journey to strategize for their quality departments and produce deployment plans.

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Course Methodology

This course uses workshops, case studies, and group debriefs to help participants understand various strategies, quality concepts, and applications. The course also features hands-on experience to illustrate the strategic planning process from A to Z and the process of drafting a quality plan. Various videos on strategy and quality applications support this course.

Team discussions and presentations are used throughout the course to foster participants’ understanding of the strategic planning process for quality deployment in organizations.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define quality and strategy concepts highlighting the main components of quality strategic planning
  • Analyze the current quality situation to draft  vision and mission statements
  • Generate strategic goals and objectives for their quality department
  • Evaluate strategies and draft an operating plan
  • Examine how to measure the success of a quality strategy 
Target Audience

All quality managers and staff involved in influencing, formulating, or supporting the long-term planning and strategy of the quality department or organization, as well as those responsible for linking, measuring, and improving the performance of others. The course is also suitable for employees targeted for development or promotion within the quality function.

Target Competencies
  • Strategic planning
  • Quality management
  • Management and planning
  • Understanding controls and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  • Understanding quality frameworks
Course Outline
  • Introduction to Quality Management and Strategy
    • Definitions of quality
    • Dimensions of quality
    • The evolution of quality standards
    • The seven principles of strategic quality management
    • Strategic deployment of quality frameworks and excellence awards
    • Evaluation of strategic management
    • Historical origins of strategy
    • Barriers to strategic implementation
    • Strategic deployment models
  • Analyzing the Environment and Extracting Critical Success Factors
    • Quality maturity ladder
    • Quality stakeholders analysis
    • Situation analysis tools in quality departments
    • Defining quality visions and missions
    • Developing a quality statement
    • Setting quality strategic goals
    • Identifying Critical Success Factors (CSFs) in quality
  • Goals and Objectives and Alignment to Action Plans
    • From a strategic plan to an action plan
    • Goals, objectives and targets for the quality division
    • Criteria for setting strategic objectives
    • Key Results Areas (KRAs), goals, objectives and targets
    • Examples of strategic objectives (goals)
  • Evaluating Strategies and Drafting Operating Plans
    • Expanding SWOT for strategies: TOWS
    • Offensive strategies
    • Defensive strategies
    • The How-How technique to develop quality-related initiatives
    • Linking goals, strategies, action plans and budgets
    • Criteria of effective action plans
    • Developing a quality department plan
  • Measuring Quality Management Strategy Achievement
    • Approaches to control quality
    • Using Key Result Areas (KRAs) to create Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
    • Quality dashboards
    • KPI cards
    • Setting targets
    • The balanced scorecard for the quality department
Schedule & Fees
Face-to-Face Courses

This course is also offered in face-to-face courses, click on the course below.