Customer Service Workshop

Customer Service Workshop

Why Attend

In this course we focus extensively on the behavioral, social and interactive aspects of customer service. The course starts with definitions and discussions about the importance of good service, about what customers expect and about the ability of anyone to mold their own behavior. Next, we dissect the elements of the image projected by the person interacting with the customer and we bring it all back to learn how to behave professionally in any situation. This course emphasizes communication skills and the ability to understand and use all aspects of behavior and body language to ensure that all customer interactions remain positive and end successfully.

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Course Methodology

In the first phase of the course a variety of methods such as case studies, self-awareness questionnaires, and exercises that help participants apply some of the customer service tools discussed, as well as some video clips will be used. In the latter part of the course participants will role play gradually more challenging scenarios. These will be videotaped, reviewed and discussed in order to maximize the learning process and develop participants’ self confidence in their own ability to handle difficult situations professionally.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of superior customer service in any situation and in any environment
  • Use tried and true communication techniques to maximize their overall effectiveness
  • Demonstrate how to perform their duties in such a way that customers will remember the encounter positively
  • Apply the proper behavior and communication skills in the most appropriate way regardless of the difficulties
  • Apply practical methods to turn upset customers around, win their thanks and gain their respect
Target Audience

Employees at any level of any organization who deal directly with customers, whether internal or external, and who want to hone their communication skills in a supportive and professional environment with the aim of maximizing customer satisfaction on the job.

Target Competencies
  • Customer orientation
  • Emotional control
  • Empathetic outlook
  • Flexibility
  • People reading
  • Self management
  • Role awareness
Course Outline
  • Definition of customer service
    • A glimpse at the definition
      • Customer service in a shop
      • Customer service in a restaurant
      • Customer service in a company
      • Customer service in any organization
      • The two main dimensions of service
    • Competition versus monopoly
    • Private versus government
    • Internal customer versus external customer
    • What is really customer service
    • Explicit versus implicit elements of service
  • Some customer service models
    • The 'PRIDE' model
    • The 'RATER' model
    • The 'kano' model
  • Customer service and emotional intelligence
    • Definition of emotional intelligence
    • Emotional intelligence for customer service
    • Building your emotional intelligence
  • Customer service, behavior and communication
    • Behavior is communication
    • Body language
    • Listen before you speak
    • Expressing yourself
    • Appropriate behavior and communication according to situation
  • The image you project
    • Generic elements of your image
      • Respect is a two way street
      • Showing empathy
      • Eagerness to help
      • Professionalism is key
      • Self confidence
      • Fairness in all dealings
    • Specific elements of your image
      • Knowledge
      • The way you look and dress
      • The language you use
      • Your body language
      • Building rapport
  • Customer service situations
    • Scenarios, analysis and role-plays
      • Easy, regular situations
      • Common but sensitive situations
      • Complaints, problems and other difficult scenarios
Schedule & Fees