Fundamentals of Recruiting and Shortlisting

Fundamentals of Recruiting and Shortlisting

Why Attend

This hands-on workshop will guide participants through the intricacies of attracting, screening, and selecting top talent. From crafting compelling job ads and leveraging social media to conducting effective screening interviews and making informed qualifying decisions. Participants will gain the skills needed to navigate the competitive talent acquisition landscape while engaging in interactive activities, practical exercises, and group discussions that will empower them to build a robust recruitment strategy and foster a workplace filled with high-performing individuals.

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Course Methodology

This workshop uses a blended learning methodology incorporating interactive lectures, group discussions, practical exercises, and role-playing activities. This approach ensures engagement, fosters collaborative learning, and allows participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios, significantly enhancing the learning experience and knowledge retention.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain recruiting fundamentals and the critical importance of this function for HR and the organization
  • Apply tangible and intangible criteria to build a job profile and use it to source and attract applicants
  • Follow best practice guidelines in shortlisting candidates and qualifying them for the next stage
Target Audience

This workshop is ideal for HR professionals, recruiters, hiring managers, and small business owners seeking to enhance their recruitment and shortlisting skills. It's especially beneficial for those looking to improve their candidate sourcing, evaluation, and selection processes to build effective teams.

Target Competencies
  • Recruitment and shortlisting
  • Screening
  • Interviewing
  • Decision making and report writing
Course Outline
  • Recruiting Fundamentals
    • Critical concepts in recruiting: definitions, importance, and how recruiting fits into the broader HR function
    • The recruitment and selection lifecycle
  • Understanding Job Requirements
    • Job profiles and job descriptions
    • Building a job profile using tangible and intangible components
  • Sourcing Candidates
    • Strategies for sourcing candidates: Job boards, social media, referrals, and direct sourcing
    • Building a best employer brand
    • Effective Job Advertisements: Writing compelling job ads
  • Shortlisting and Next Stage Qualification
    • Screening documents: Best practices for screening CVs and resumés
    • Effective screening interviews
    • Assessment tools and techniques
    • Decision-making and next stage qualification
Schedule & Fees