Clermont SB Endorsed - Social Skills in the Workplace

Clermont SB Endorsed - Social Skills in the Workplace

Why Attend

A growing number of professionals believe that success in the job demands personal and social abilities and technical expertise. This course will emphasize several personal and social skills, representing more than half of the success equation for many individuals. It will assist participants in improving their resilience and relationships by providing recommendations on minimizing burnout, enhancing personal and professional concentration, building a professional network, engaging with colleagues, and developing social competencies.

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Course Methodology

This course relies on a hands-on approach that is interactive and participatory. Participants will be asked to self-assess current practices and develop action plans for improving skills and behaviors.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Adapt to the new rules of work, learning, and life
  • Identify early burnout signs and generate a recovery plan
  • Apply proven techniques for an increased level of focus at work
  • Develop and maintain their professional network
  • Recognize the benefits of connecting with others through specified behaviors
  • Assess their current level of social skills and develop a personal development plan
  • List and apply proven methods for influencing and persuading others in organizations
Target Audience

Administrators, officers, specialists, supervisors, team leaders, and line managers.

Target Competencies
  • Relating and networking
  • Working with people
  • Building relationships
  • Improving focus and commitment
  • Enhancing self-confidence
  • Service orientation
Course Outline
  • The Evolving Rules of Work
    • Traditional versus new rules of work
    • Reasons for new rules of work, learning, and life
    • An overview of important new rules
      • Rules of work
      • Rules of learning
      • Rules of life
    • Learning to adapt continually
    • Preventing burnout
      • The early signs of burnout
      • Major causes
      • Planning your recovery
  • Improving Your Professional Focus
    • Definition of focus management
    • Protecting versus growing your focus
    • Techniques for improving your professional focus
      • Your technology
      • Your workspace
      • Your mind
      • Your time
      • Your relationships
    • A guide to mindfulness
      • Mindfulness fundamentals
      • Mindful methods
  • Building Your Professional Network
    • Your network at a glance
    • Identify and adapt to cultural differences
    • Principles of connection
    • Techniques for stepping out of your comfort zone
    • Maintaining recurring connections
      • Definition of recurring connections 
      • Basic principles for maintaining recurring connections
    • Assessing your system for recurring connections
    • The role of social media in your professional network
      • Social media platforms for improved networking
      • A focus on LinkedIn
      • Tips and techniques
  • Connecting with Colleagues in the Workplace
    • Helping colleagues with challenges
    • Locating similar interests
    • Modeling exemplary behavior in the workplace
    • Shifting focus to others
    • Sharing information and lessons learned
    • Being considerate to colleagues
  • Essential Social Competencies at Work
    • What are social competencies?
    • Assessing your current abilities
    • A focus on influence and service orientation
      • Defining the terms
      • The principles of influence
      • Service orientation techniques
Clermont School of Business

Founded in 1919, Clermont School of Business is one of the leading French "Grande École" business schools, with a strong international dimension. The school is triple-accredited by AACSB, EFMD Bachelor, and AMBA, and is a member of the “Conférence des Grandes Écoles” consortium, the Business School Directors' Consortium (CDEFM), and the Associate Institutions Network of Université Clermont Auvergne.

The school's mission is to reveal the talents and passions of a new generation of change-makers, who will put people and the planet at the heart of their decision-making. With a combination of a human approach, international perspective, close collaboration with local economic actors, and expertise in sustainable management, the aim is to help create a better world.

The school greatly benefits from the support of the Alumni Association, which has more than 14 000 members worldwide.

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