CMI Recognized Results Based Management (RBM)

CMI Recognized Results Based Management (RBM)

Why Attend

Managing for Results (based on Results Based Management or RBM) is a future-oriented process that emphasizes the deployment of resources to achieve meaningful results. It is a critical factor for the success of the organization. It ensures that all aspects of planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating a project or an initiative is done transparently and in a manner that ensures accountability. This course strives to impart participants with the essential knowledge and skills that will help them drive their organizations to achieve results. The course will also provide participants with powerful and practical management tools that are essential to deliver better organizational results.

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Course Methodology

The course uses a mix of interactive techniques, such as brief presentations by the consultant, case studies and group exercises to apply knowledge acquired throughout the course.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the principles and concepts of results based management
  • Create and implement successful plans to accomplish goals and objectives
  • Develop performance measures to assess the progress of the organization
  • Understand and apply the key aspects and functions of the evaluation process
  • Develop an effective results-based report
Target Audience

Managers, heads of departments, and business professionals who are involved in the decision making, planning and strategy of their departments and the organization.

Target Competencies
  • Planning
  • Decision making
  • Performance measurement
  • Evaluation
  • Analytical thinking
  • Quality assurance
  • Monitoring
  • Strategic thinking
  • Accountability
  • Organizational learning
  • Setting goals and objectives
Course Outline
  • Understanding results-based management
    • Definition of results based management
    • Key results based management principles
    • Basic concepts of results based management
    • Basic results based management terminology
    • The RBM life-cycle approach
  • Creating a well-structured plan to achieve results
    • Defining results
    • Formulating results
    • Change language vs. action language
    • The results chain
    • Developing the results matrix
    • Expected results are SMART
    • Changes reflected in results at different levels
      • What stakeholders invest in
      • What implementers do
      • What implementers produce
      • Changes in capacity and performance
      • Changes in conditions
  • Developing a process to monitor progress
    • Characteristics of successful performance measures
    • Uses of performance measures
    • Types of performance measures
    • Establishing performance measures
    • Measuring and assessing actual performance
    • Developing a monitoring document
  • Creating a process to evaluate achieved results
    • The two aspects of evaluation
      • management tool for achieving better results
      • quality assurance tool during the RBM process
    • The three key functions of evaluation
      • Improvement
      • Accountability
      • Organizational learning
    • Determining if correcting action is necessary
    • Reviewing and updating performance measures
    • Inter-linkages and dependencies between planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Developing an effective results-based report
    • Quality criteria for results reporting
      • Completeness
      • Balance (good and bad)
      • Consistency (between sections)
      • Reliability and clarity
    • Elements of an effective results-based report
      • Clear context and strategies
      • Meaningful results
      • Valid and reliable performance information
      • Accomplishments reported against expected results
      • Demonstrated capacity to learn and adapt
Chartered Management Institute (CMI)

Meirc is a Recognized Training Center by CMI, the only chartered body in the UK that awards management and leadership qualifications as well as the status of Chartered Manager, the hallmark of any professional manager. By fully attending any of the courses listed below and upon successful completion of the test administered on the last day, participants will receive a certificate from CMI, in addition to the one they receive from Meirc. The courses that are offered by Meirc and recognized by CMI are:

Certified Professional Manager - Virtual Learning
Certified Professional Manager
Certified Team Leader - Virtual Learning
Certified Team Leader
Certified Administration and Office Management Professional - Virtual Learning
Certified Administration and Office Management Professional
Managing Up Down and Across for Better Results - Virtual Learning
Managing Up Down and Across for Better Results
Managing multiple tasks priorities and deadlines
Managing Multiple Tasks, Priorities and Deadlines - Virtual Learning
Managing for Results
Managing for Results - Virtual Learning

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