Mastering the Project Management Office (PMO): From Establishment to Project KPIs and Dashboards

Mastering the Project Management Office (PMO): From Establishment to Project KPIs and Dashboards

Why Attend

The overall aim of this course is to provide participants with the knowledge required to build and manage the Project Management Office (PMO). The course involves coaching participants on assessing the project management maturity level of their organization and implementing strategies to improve it. The course also provides participants with the skills needed to design and apply project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

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Course Methodology

The course uses interactive techniques, such as brief presentations by the consultant and the participants. The course also features several group exercises and case studies followed by plenary discussions and individual activities using computer programs. 

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the role of PMO in aligning the projects to the organization’s strategy
  • Differentiate between the different types of PMOs and determine the characteristics of each type
  • Establish Project Management Office (PMO) by applying a practical framework and increasing the project maturity level of the organization
  • Create a project management methodology and governance
  • Define and select the right project metrics and KPIs
  • Design a project dashboard and traffic light reports
Target Audience

Project Management Office (PMO) directors and managers, members of project offices, project sponsors, functional managers, senior management, and all individuals involved in building and managing the PMO and project metrics and key performance indicators.  

Target Competencies
  • Strategy execution
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Planning and organizing
  • Coaching
  • Analytical thinking

Meirc has been reviewed and approved by the PMI® Authorized Training Partner Program. This course is worth 30 Professional Development Units (PDUs).

The following resources will be distributed during the course:

PMO plans and templates - hard and soft copies.

Course Outline
  • Overview

    • Portfolios, programs, and projects
    • A new look at defining project success
    • Aligning strategy with projects
    • The link between strategy and projects
  • PMO Types and Structures
    • The Project/Program/Portfolio Management Office (PMO)
    • The three types of PMOs
      • Supportive PMO
      • Controlling PMO
      • Directive PMO
    • Organizational structure for projects
  • Establishing a PMO
    • Assessing the current condition
    • Developing PMO infrastructure plan
    • Creating PMO charter
    • Resource planning
    • Project Management maturity model
    • Steps for increasing maturity level
  • Project Management Governance and Methodologies
    • Defining governance
    • Project prioritization
    • Governance steering committee
    • Gate reviews
    • Project audit
    • Project methodologies
  • Project Metrics and KPIs
    • Understanding project metrics
    • Defining KPIs
    • Earned Value Management System (EVMS)
    • Trends of project KPIs
    • Executive project health report
    • Establishing PMO metrics
  • Project Dashboards
    • Defining dashboards
    • Rules for dashboards
    • Choosing the correct KPI visualization components
    • Designing your dashboard
Project Management Institute (PMI)

Meirc is a member of the PMI ATP Program. PMI does not specifically endorse, approve, or warrant ATP’s products, courses, publications, or services. The PMI ATP seal is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.

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