Improving Productivity through Quality Enhancement and Cost Reduction

Improving Productivity through Quality Enhancement and Cost Reduction

Why Attend

How do organizations improve productivity? What is productivity to start with? This course presents best practices on how to boost productivity by focusing on quality and cost saving initiatives. In this course we will share best practices and tools from organizations that implemented quality methodologies to improve their processes and achieve faster cycle times, lesser defects and simplified operations. Participants will also learn how to apply these practices in their organizations and understand how to manage change. They will master the skills to leverage the existing culture to their advantage by creating a solid platform and moving the organization into a new mindset. This course is critical for every organization aiming to save cost and become more efficient and productive.

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Course Methodology

This course relies on the use of exercises and workshops to engage participants and help them learn new concepts and practices. Group and plenary discussions will be used and participants will be required to debate and present their findings. In addition, videos with different case studies will be presented.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define productivity and various types of organizational waste
  • Identify areas of poor productivity due to poor quality and suggest ways to increase effectiveness and efficiency
  • Justify and apply quality improvement tools and techniques in order to improve productivity
  • Apply several cost reduction strategies in order to meet changing global, statutory and market conditions
  • Recognize and apply measuring initiatives and set targets in order to improve productivity
Target Audience

Managers, supervisors and all those who are responsible for, or indirectly involved in, a cost or profit center or a quality improvement function.

Target Competencies
  • Problem solving
  • Change management
  • Applying quality
  • Understanding cost reduction
  • Applying Lean
  • Understanding Six Sigma
Course Outline
  • Productivity defined
    • Research on productivity
    • Definitions
    • Causes for poor productivity
    • Approaches: productivity improvement
    • Improving productivity through
      • Staff
      • Quality
      • Cost reduction
    • Productivity factor 
    • Improving staff productivity at workplace: tips
      • Performance and productivity
      • Barriers to cost reduction programs
      • Sleep and its impact on productivity
      • The Connection between power napping and productivity
    • Getting commitment to a cost cutting program
    • Setting up a cost reduction program
    • Resistance psychology in humans
    • Employee Engagement Techniques
    • The role of suggestion schemes
    • Six tips to unleash your productivity from Robin Sharma
  • Principles of cost reduction: the quality approach
    • Quality defined
    • Cornerstones of quality
    • Cost of poor quality and productivity
    • The 'Muda' factor
    • Value added analysis
    • Pillars of Lean
    • Lean principles  
    • Eight types of waste
    • Lean implementation barriers
  • Productivity improvement tools and Methodologies
    • Productivity improvement project road map
    • Tool selection
    • Brainstorming
    • Pareto
    • Why-why method
    • How-how method
    • Ishikawa fish-bone diagram
    • Six Sigma Methodology
    • Re-engineering
    • The 5 S program
    • The 'Focus' methodology
  • Cost reduction opportunities
    • Cutting cost strategically: tips from the experts
    • Streamlining the organization and the ESSA method
    • SMART practices for increasing productivity
    • Cost savings opportunities
    • Industry 4.0 and cost optimization
    • One hundred and forty ideas to cut costs
  • Measuring your productivity initiatives
    • Key performance indicators
    • Types of measures
    • Setting targets for cost reduction
    • Benchmarking
    • Types of benchmarking
    • The balanced scorecard
    • The dashboard
Schedule & Fees