Certified Security Leader (CSL) Meirc Plus Speciality Training

Certified Security Leader (CSL)

Why Attend

Leadership training is a vital ingredient for the development of security professionals within a variety of security operations, security management and security administration disciplines. This course is carefully designed to provide valuable knowledge, skills and proven leadership methods.  These aim to empower course participants to strengthen team confidence and deliver higher performance as senior security leaders.

Moreover, participants will learn the security leadership fundamentals, tactical communication, interpersonal skills, strategic thinking, effective planning and dealing with the ever-changing security landscape.  During the course participants are encouraged to challenge their current level of knowledge within the security industry and/or function, and to apply new modern methods of leadership.  

Meirc Plus Speciality Training
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Course Methodology

Training will be optimized using group exercises and discussions, case studies, handouts and Q&A sessions.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply security leadership skills in challenging situations and when facing security threats or incidents
  • Understand the principles of communication and strategic thinking needed for effective security leadership
  • Recognize the different types of leadership styles within the security function and industry
  • Identify relevant areas within security for change and implement plans to affect positive change
  • Manage and motivate high performing security teams
  • Apply the OODA Loop (Observe, Orient, Decide and Act) approach to decision making
Target Audience

This course is open to all who wish to develop their understanding of security leadership.  The course will most benefit security professionals currently working in a leadership capacity, or who will soon be working within a leadership role.

Target Competencies
  • Team leadership
  • Situational Awareness
  • Negotiation skills
  • Decision Making
  • Time Management
Course Outline
  • Introduction to security leadership
    • The history of security and the evolution of security leadership
    • What a leader is
    • The difference between security leadership v security management
    • What makes a good leader in today’s security landscape
    • The different types of leadership
    • Duties and responsibilities of a security leader
    • Leadership styles and their impact on security and safety
    • Security related skills that are required to be a good security leader
  • The principles of developing strong security leadership skills
    • Security leadership core values
    • Leadership qualities needed for success within the security industry
    • Embracing the responsibilities, accountability and challenges of leadership
    • Leadership styles and their context within security operations
    • Leadership tools and how to apply them to navigate and deal with challenging security situations
    • Envisaging and effecting positive change
    • Developing the security mind
    • The structure of command, leadership and management within the security industry
  • The principles of tactical communication, interpersonal and soft skills for security leaders
    • Tactical communication skills
    • The importance of tactical communication for security leadership
    • Four basic methods of tactical communication
    • Channels of communication used by security leaders in crisis situations
    • Barriers and blocks to tactical communication
    • Implementing tactics for dealing with complex problems
    • Interpersonal skills to support tactical communication
    • Understanding and applying soft skills within dangerous and challenging situations
  • Developing critical and strategic thinking for security leaders
    • Introduction to critical thinking and strategic thinking
    • The difference between critical and strategic thinking
    • Developing an understanding of strategic thinking
    • Four A’s of strategic thinking used by security leaders
    • Steps to developing strategic thinking
    • The importance of the OODA loop for decision making
    • Key critical thinking skills for security operatives
  • Establishing strong working relationships during security threats and alerts
    • The importance of build strong relationships as a security leader
    • Advantages and disadvantages of teamwork within the security industry
    • Leading a security team during a complex event or situation
    • SWOT analysis for security teams
    • Roles and responsibilities of a security team leader
    • Time management and task planning for security events
    • Importance on reflection of team performance for post incidents
MPC Certifications
Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC)

MPC certified courses by Meirc Training & Consulting are designed for those willing to challenge themselves and go the extra distance. Participants who fully attend an MPC course and successfully complete the test on the last day, will receive a Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC), in addition to the one they receive for full attendance. MPC certificates are regionally recognized and can be quite valuable when applying for more senior roles within the organization or outside.

List of Certified Courses
Schedule & Fees
Virtual Learning

This course is also offered in Virtual Learning, click on the course below.

Course Contact
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