Tour Guiding and Visitor Care

Tour Guiding and Visitor Care

Why Attend

This course provides an overview of tour guiding techniques and ethical considerations involved in group guiding. Firstly, it covers the skills required for successful site interpretation and group interaction. Secondly, it sheds light on the various technics applied in group management in different contexts. Thirdly, it focuses on the importance of oral communication in the tour-guiding business. Lastly, it examines the ethical responsibilities of tour guides such as respecting cultural and environmental sensitivity.

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Course Methodology

This interactive course combines different learning approaches, including presentations, video analysis, case studies, discussions, and group exercises.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Define the role and responsibilities of tour guides in the tourism industry
  • Develop interpretation skills to provide engaging and informative tours
  • Manage group dynamics and facilitate group interactions
  • Develop practical communication skills to convey information clearly to groups
  • Recognize and address ethical considerations related to tour guiding, including cultural and environmental sensitivity
Target Audience

Tour guiding and tour escorting companies, local guides bodies, and tour leaders professionals.

Target Competencies
  • Tour-guiding
  • Interpreting patterns and behaviors
  • Communication skills
  • Maintaining a positive mental attitude
  • Ethical behaviors
Course Outline
  • Introduction to tour guiding
    • Role of tour guides in the tourism industry
    • Needs of different types of groups
    • Strategies for managing group dynamics
    • Adaptation of speech for different types of audiences
  • Interpretation techniques
    • Engaging and informative tours
    • Techniques for storytelling and sites reviving
    • Methods to facilitate group interaction and engagement
    • Managing logistics and financial reports
  • Maintaining positive relationships with stakeholders
    • The need for building professional relationships with tourism stakeholders
    • Maintenance of constructive relationships with the employers
    • Maintenance of positive behavior toward local communities
    • Building advanced relations with colleagues and bus drivers
    • Setting ways to deal with services suppliers
  • Tour guiding and public speaking
    • Non-verbal communication implications in tour guiding business
    • Non-verbal communication techniques (kinesics, proxemics, and chronemics)
    • Voice management technics (paralinguistic)
    • Public speaking apprehension management methods
  • Tour guiding ethics
    • Need of ethics in the tour guiding business
    • Review of tour guiding code of conduct
    • Strategies to deal with people with special needs
    • Strategies to deal with demanding clients
    • Best practices to handle unexpected situations
Schedule & Fees